Monday, November 21, 2005

Giving thanks

for setting a volleball to a successful spike, in a game, for the first time ever in my memory,
for finding out my student teaching placements for sure
(West Lyon K-12, LeMars middle/high school...which has orchestra),
for apple cider,
for roommates who offer to vacuum when I'm gone for the weekend
and rearrange my flowers when some of them are going bad and check my mail for me when I'm gone,
that I am not my own,
for my 8 students,
that Heather is 19!
for warm winter scarves,
that I know what love is,
for friends in other time zones that will be back next semester,
for small hands,
for Handel's Messiah, and the Messiah,
and many other things and non-things.


Lynola said...

oh poet friend,
I like you
and i like your work - I am thankful for it
and for you

Unknown said...

I love you!
And now I get to go wedding dress shopping with you!!

Pronounce this: doprunw

n[ate]vw said...

Hannah, you are the sweetest girl I know!