Monday, October 01, 2012

Easy Peasy Frozen Yogurt

But no peas involved. Unless you want them!
  • 1 quart (4 cups) yogurt. We used peach!
  • 1 3/4 cups milk. We used vanilla coconut milk, which already has a little sweetness and flavor. Whole milk was recommended by the original recipe I based this on.
  • Optional mix-ins. We added frozen apricot chunks. You could add vanilla if your milk isn't already flavored
Mix first two ingredients and process with a 2 quart ice cream maker for 25 minutes or what the ice cream machine recommends. Throw in the fruit at the end. I think this recipe would be really good with blueberries and blueberry yogurt!


Unknown said...

you have an ice cream maker?? this sounds so good! I love coconut milk...I think I would try coconut yogurt with coconut milk. With coconut. mmmmmmm

Hannah said...

We do not have an ice cream maker. We are borrowing it from Eryn and Jon.

Unknown said...

I just tried this using Coconut Greek Yogurt and Almond milk (in a quarter batch). It was really good! I ate the second half with chocolate syrup on it :)