Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 1, 2006

After many trips to Hobby Lobby, conversations on Google Talk, hours spent building beautiful tables, and much other planning, the big day finally came. Everything went beautifully, and it was very fun and encouraging that so many people could come to the wedding. It was just a very happy day!

Yesterday we had a reception at Nathan's church in IL, which was fun even thought I did not know most of the people. It was fun to be able to see some people's pictures already and watch parts of the video.

For those of you who couldn't be there, and those of you that were too, I will try to get pictures out eventually. I might post a few here, or find a better way to post them and send out a link.


Anonymous said...

Yay for pictures and blog postings! Thanks, Hannah. Sorry I couldn't be there, but I'm glad I can hear/see a little of what went on! When do you get home?

Unknown said...

"many" trips to hobby lobby...